Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Beachy Waves

I don't curl the ends for two reasons: 1- it damages the ends and gives that cotton candy look, 2-I like the way it looks, a little messy.

This is about my favorite curling iron, and hairspray, a post generated because of inquiries I received on my Instagram account @radiantfitashley curls are one of  my favorite looks and styles for hair. For years I have been using an old curling iron that I unscrewed the clamp on to make a wand.
I have long hair, and a lot of it, eventually my arms get tired, I burn myself or reaching the back of my hair gets tricky.
When it comes to fixing my hair, I am lazy. I want it done quick, with as little work as possible. 
A curling wand that holds and wraps my hair automatically, a dream come true, its right up there with the self stirring coffee cup! 
This curling iron heats to 450 degrees, professional level heat, to get perfect waves every time.
You can select the rotation speed, and the direction the iron rotates with the push of a button.
 Sometimes I sleep on my curls and end up with softer, looser waves the next day.

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